stereotaxic device is a device used to locate and fix the brain of
experimental animals. During the experiment, a brain locator is first
used to fix the animal's head so that it does not undergo any relative
movement. Then, using the three-dimensional coordinate system specified
by the markers or other reference points outside the animal's skull, and
based on the experimental animal's brain localization map, the position
of certain neural nuclei under the cerebral cortex, such as the
hippocampus, is determined in order to perform targeted stimulation,
destruction, injection of drugs, guidance and positioning of the studied
neural nuclei under non direct visual exposure. It can be used for
establishing animal models of Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, brain
tumors, learning and memory, neural stem cell transplantation, cerebral
ischemia, and other research.
The M5084 lightweight brain stereotaxic
device eliminates the U-shaped bracket and directly combines the mouse
adapter with the base plate, providing a spacious and open space for
experiments, making it convenient for experimenters to perform head
positioning operations on mice.
Technical Parameter
1. Small base plate size 255mm x 255mm
Ear rod material: mouse formaldehyde resin material, unique and
lightweight, rat stainless steel material is durable and long-lasting
3. Adjustment range of door gear clamp up and down: 20mm (0mm~+20mm)
4. Adjustment range of ear rod up and down: 20mm (0mm~+20mm)
5. The ear rod is equipped with a scale line (with an accuracy of 1mm), which is convenient for balancing and fixing operations
The ear canal has an insertion fixation method (18 degree blunt head
and circular hollow serrations) to prevent damage to the skull
7. Optional addition of dual arm mode
Ordering Information
Optional Clamp Holder
Optional Ear Rods